Friday, April 11, 2014

A letter to you.

“Where there is love there is life”

This post will be a little off topic temporarily from the new baby, but I feel that it is something to be addressed and discussed. Something I am proud of, more than most any other accomplishments in my life. (other than having two babies, of course.) 

     I was 19 when I married Matt. At the time I did not understand the concern from those who loved us, and the doubt they had. I knew what I was getting into, or so I thought. Matt and I were quick to become best friends, quick to find out about Annabelle, and quick to decide to get married. Looking back, I can understand why everybody was so scared for us. This is hard. Parenting is hard. Marriage is even harder. You have to be a pro at forgiveness, and not be afraid to be wrong. In all of this challenge, though, I have discovered that I could not have possibly made a smarter decision in my life. Not that anybody at any time can predict the future, and MOST of the time, people in the situation we are in do not have a "happily ever after." It just so happened to work out that way for us, and I want people to know that it is possible for it to work out that way for them too. 

     For some reason, God decided to send me somebody who would complete me. Who would be the husband and father I needed him to be, and I will forever be thankful for that. I cant tell you how many people I meet that got pregnant young, and are single moms/dads now. My heart hurts for them. I am a very lucky person to love my husband and be loved very very much, despite our situation. It does not matter how we got here, but that we have made it here now. I have a husband who does the laundry, makes sure I have ironed clothes EVERY night before we go to bed, does the dishes, bathes the girls, LOVES the girls, loves me and still gets up and goes to work every morning. 

      After an argument between us the other night, unfortunately some in front of Annabelle, Matt walked away, and the first thing I told her was " You know how much I love daddy, right?" and she just looked at me and said "Yes, mommy, I know." Because I do. More than anything. Fights and arguments happen, but getting through them with forgiveness and a willingness to give each other a clean slate EACH and EVERY time is key. It is something I struggle with daily. I am proud of us, though. I am proud that we have beat the odds (or so to say) and have made it as far as we have, as happily as we have. 

     So, to our family and friends that were worried about us at the beginning: I hope we have made you proud. I know giving away your daughter to another man at only 19 was probably one of the harder things you had to do, but I hope you wouldn't take back that decision now for the world. We are proud of us, everyday. Everyday we work hard to go against the grain, and not be stereotypical young parents. We want the girls to be well fed, well loved, secure and confident. And I feel like we do a pretty damn good job of that. So, to those of you who are in a rut of any sort... just give a clean slate and move on to the next day. That is my best advice. Just forgive. Even if it is something extremely tiny. Forgive. You will feel better about yourself at the end of the day as well.  


Now for a baby update: 

Baby is now three inches long, and has developed finger prints! FINGER PRINTS
We saw the baby yesterday, it was one busy little bee. 
I have never seen a fetus that was SO hard to see simply due to how much/fast it was moving.
We were told what the baby could be with 85 percent certainty, but you will all have to wait on that one! Baby is healthy and loved
The girls are still beyond excited, and kiss my belly every morning. They will be great big sisters. 

Until next time.

( Baby turned its back to us as soon as we tried to get 3D pictures. Of course . And yes... they said the lumpiness was normal. :)  )

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