Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Right hand son.

"Benjamin was the 12th, youngest and most beloved son of the patriarch Jacob and Rachel."

     I never thought much about what having a boy would be like, I had two girls. Having a boy was never even a thought. Girl is all I know, and what I am comfortable with. Until now. 
     I found out you were a boy last week. And to be honest, I was completely unsure of what to think. I do not know one thing about raising a baby boy. What are the rules about bathing? How do I change your diaper? I feel like I am a first time mom again. I went to the store and picked up a few outfits, and I was very confused as to where the accessories for little boys were..... 
Matt is going to really have to help me when it comes to dressing him. 
     I got to thinking about it though, and thinking of all of the traits and characteristics that I love about Matt, and I became beyond excited to raise this baby to be a man like his daddy. I refuse to let him be like some of the guys I have come across in my life. He will be a good man, and a faithful man, and honest, and polite. The fact that I will get to bring somebody like that into the world is priceless. 
   Everyday when the girls wake up I tell them: " You are beautiful, you are kind, you are smart, and I am so proud of you." And I will tell them this everyday. I will tell him the exact same things, every day. He will be so loved, and he is so wanted. I personally feel like that is the key to raising a healthy child. I feel like children strive when they know how loved they are. When the girls are in their pajama dresses and their hair is going in twenty different directions, I pick them up and place them in the sink and tell them to look at how beautiful they are. Some people may think I am just concocting children with big heads, but I disagree. They will know their self worth. He will be just the same. I will make sure he knows that he is smart and good and kind. This will be a journey for all of us, but it will be perfect. Anna is turning out to be quite the mother hen. Leah is still little, and my baby, so I know she will have a harder time. I am hoping she takes as kindly to him as Anna seems to be. She will always be my baby girl, though. I will have to strive everyday to let her not forget that and fall into that horrible "middle child" category. 

So, here we go!

We will be welcoming Benjamin Matthew Caswell into the world October 19th. 

-He currently weighs 5 oz, and is 5 1/2 inches long. 
-I am still eating anything and everything in sight... no particular cravings. Besides hamburger helper and buffalo sauce. :) 
-I am still gradually expanding. I have had to make the transition from scrubs to t shirts and scrub bottoms due to my scrub tops barely covering my belly anymore. 
-No new stretch marks yet. I lather myself up in a gross amount of lotion each night. At least my skin now feels like butter. 
-Sleeping comfortably has become a lost cause. I have to find a balance between being on my back and being on my side, at the same time. I end up just rocking my hips until just my belly falls over and the rest of me is flat. Whatever works right? 

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